"No Strength, Without Unity."
We support and promote Celtic Strength; bridging the gap between the old and the new, while creating nostalgia and memories along the way.
Celtic Strength is for everyone. We provide a safe and equal opportunity environment where people from all backgrounds and genders can participate and have a blast while doing so.
Community is greater than competition. Community is the essence of what we do. Celtic Strength is a healthy and active way to connect to the past while making the most of the present.

Sports Illustrated Tickets
NFG's presence and branding in Highland Games is unmatched. We are proud to partner with them to help showcase their passion and dedication to the world of Celtic Strength.

Cerberus Strength USA
NFG follows the same principles of community we do at Cerberus USA. Whenever they bring people together in strength it is always an incredible time,

Droughtlander Diaries Podcast
NFG is the most rugged Highland Games organization in the sport - bringing back history and tradition through heavy athletics.

McTavish Spirits
Our love for the Highland Games is a long standing one. We share NFG's core values of honesty, hard work, and dedication; celebrating what is both Scottish and American.